Sexual harassment, retaliation, and discrimination are all over the news cycle and is responding with an innovative educational product, available to members of Independent Insurance Agents Brokers of California (IIABCAL) with special pricing. With the passage of AB1825 and the anticipated passage of SB1343 employers are jumping on board now to be compliant.
The new AB1825 film from covers all current law on sexual harassment, discrimination, and retaliation as well as new California law related to the LGBT community. The course can be viewed on any device at any time and the system tracks progress to automatically award credits or certify the student on completion. “This is an optimal system for companies with on-site and remote workers”, said Aberle. “All employees can be brought into compliance easily and HR department heads receive a weekly report on the status of employees telling them who has completed the course and who is in progress.”
IIABCAL members: To access the course at the IIABCAL member's rate, please contact Mike Aberle: partners with industry leaders in HR, employment law, insurance, film, journalism, and academia to produce programs and films accredited for continuing, legal and HR education.
Featured instructors include Employment Attorneys Dean Rocco and Ian Stewart with the law firm Wilson Elser, Professor Jay Mootz, former Dean of McGeorge School of Law and attorney Ariana Van Alstine, specializing in regulatory issues related to health care.
Students of our online platform will get to know these and other instructors as well as the compelling stories of people who have experienced discrimination, harassment or retaliation in the workplace. The course can be accessed anytime, from any device and our system will track progress and automatically certify course credits or award certification upon completion.
A trailer of the program can be viewed here: Additional resources, interviews and articles available free on the website. IIACAL members: To access the course at your IIABCAL member's rate, please contact Mike Aberle: and know more about us.
Cristina Mendonsa