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Course Packages & Pricing

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Become a member of CPSA today! We help your business become more sustainable through industry growth and professional development. The CPSA advocates for the industry, building your professionalism through education, and supporting growth initiatives in aquatics. Resulting in people living happier, healthier lives. Click the link to become a member today. 

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Have Questions About The Training?

Send Us A Message

We work hard to answer the questions you have. Get in contact with us today and we will quickly respond to any questions you may have about the program. Thank you and we look forward to speaking with you soon.

- myCEcourse.com team

Choose Your Package

Choose one of our packages that aligns with your company size. When your business grows we can always upgrade you to the next level for just the price difference of the next package.

Add Your employees

Once you purchase a package you can then add your employees into our system. This allows you to assign manager/supervisor or employee videos to the right people.


Employee progress will be tracked as they make their way through the training. You will know exactly where every is, not just an incomplete/complete status but an actual percentage representation.